History of Massage Therapy in Healthcare 2000-2024

2000 : Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals: The Official Handbook of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), updated in August 2000, recommends massage as a non-pharmacological therapy that can be used successfully in pain management.

The Joint Commission (PDF) also mentioned massage therapy in their reports in 2015, 2016 and 2018

2010: The Affordable Care Act in 2010 provided an opportunity for massage therapists to organize and demand coverage of massage therapy.

ABMP on the ACA which was once on their website but now removed.

ABMP believes Section 2706 provides additional justification for insurance companies to reimburse massage therapists. For example, when massage therapy is a covered benefit of a health plan, it is not uncommon for an insurance company to reimburse massage provided by a physical therapist, chiropractor, or osteopathic doctor – but not massage therapy provided by a massage therapist. Evidence shows that massage therapy, especially when performed by a massage therapist, is a cost-effective delivery method of health care.

When a massage therapist treats any health condition covered in an insurance plan (e.g., back pain, neckpain, etc),the massage therapist is eligible for reimbursement, so long as that provider is licensed by his or her state and can treat the condition within his or her scope of practice.

  • AMTA of course said they did not want massage therapy to be covered under the ACA. See Laura Allen’s blog post. citing that 50% of their members did not want that to happen. What about the other 50% that did?ABMP wrote a position paper supporting massage therapy. -“A comment on the Prevention Strategy of the National Prevention,Health Promotion, and Public Health Council December 2010

2011: Relieving Pain in America(PDF): A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research said reviews of research on acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic spinal manipulation for chronic low back pain suggest these therapies may be beneficial.

January 2012: The Integrative Health care Policy Consortium (IHPC) Announces State-by-State Campaign for “Correct Implementation” of Section 2706 (The integrator blog – http://theintegratorblog.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=858&Itemid=1)

IHPC Launches Campaign with Former WA Insurance Commissioner Deborah Senn to Secure Non-Discrimination (Section 2706) announcing a critically important campaign to help implement the ACA.

Section 2706 of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 promises “non-discrimination in health care.” The provision was lobbied by the American Chiropractic Association and the Integrated Healthcare Policy Consortium (IHPC) and championed by U.S. Senators Tom Harkin and Barbara Mikulski, MD. The intention was to honor citizen choice by broadening access to non-MD providers. Of greatest interest to Harkin and the duo lobbying organizations are those classified as licensed complementary and alternative medicine practitioners.

2011: 42 percent of hospitals are using complementary and alternative therapies (AMTA statistic).

2012: The Hospital-Based Massage Therapy task force (HBMT-TF) was formed within the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health (ACIH, formerly known as the Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Health Care). The purpose was to explore the need for a set of standards or competencies, gather information about current standards for the field, and possibly develop HBMT-specific competencies that could be shared with all interested parties, particularly hospitals, massage therapy educators, and massage therapists in the field. HBMT-TF membership consisted of MK Brennan, RN, LMT (ACIH CWG member), Dale Healey, DC, Ph.D. (ACIH EWG co-chair), Carolyn Tague, MA, CMT (ACIH EWG member), and Beth Rosenthal, Ph.D., MBA, MPH (ACIH Assistant Director).

Massage Magazine: Hospital-Based Massage Therapy: A Call for Competencies

2013: 51% of AMTA members do NOT want massage therapy covered by health insurance, while 49% do.

Feb 2013: The Integrative Health Care Policy Consortium (IHPC) creates a blog for integrating massage into health care. https://ihpcmassage.wordpress.com/

07/10/2013: Laura Allen’s Blog reports that Diana Thompson, well-known author and leader in the massage profession, wrote a letter to AMTA requesting support for the ACA and integrating massage therapy into health care.

“With the exception of the massage representative from the AMTA, all the clinical speakers were excellent and very supportive of the ACA and interested in doing everything possible to support coverage by practitioners within their discipline. These clinicians expressed similar concerns regarding the ACA and how it may or may not affect CAM services. There were also clinical examples provided about how the ACA may positively impact certain disciplines, particularly NDs who provide primary care… On a side note, I am very concerned about the position of the AMTA…”

August 2013: The AMTA’s approach to the Affordable Care Act is still undecided and the organization has taken limited action. https://www.amtamassage.org/articles/1/News/detail/2805/amtas-approach-to-the-affordable-care-act

“The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) understands there has been much discussion and debate about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the potential role for massage therapists that it might provide within health insurance based third-party reimbursement. Similar debates are taking place among other health care professionals as the ACA presents many challenges for everyone involved in health care, from professionals to consumers. While the law was enacted more than 3 years ago, it continues to be debated, analyzed and scrutinized. Meanwhile, the law has evolved and implementation will continue to evolve, especially as states determine their approaches to it.”

June 2014: IHPC letter to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (PDF archive.org) Department of Health and Human Services calls for the inclusion of massage therapy in health care under the Affordable Care Act section 2706.

2014: Diane Mastnardo creates Massage Northern Ohio Practice-Based Research Network.

2014: Integrative Health Policy Consortium www.ihpc.org (IHPC ) creates www.covermycare.com to help implement the Affordable Care Act section 2706.

2015: Over 125 hospital-based programs listed on the Society for Oncology Massage website. http://www.s4om.org/health-care-professionals/hospitals-incorporating-oncology-massage (link to archive.org)

2015 – The Joint Commission has also previously called for coverage of massage therapy in 2015 (PDF). (now only found on archive.org) Their report: “Revised Rationale for PC.01.02.07 (New for Ambulatory Care and Office-Based Surgery Practice) says: “The identification and management of pain is an important component of patient-centered care. Patients can expect that their health care providers will involve them in their assessment and management of pain. Both pharmacologic and nonpharmacological strategies have a role in the management of pain. The following examples are not exhaustive, but strategies may include the following: Nonpharmacologic strategies: physical modalities (for example, acupuncture therapy, chiropractic therapy, osteopathic manipulative treatment, massage therapy, and physical therapy), relaxation therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy”.

September 2016: Hospital-Based Massage Therapy Task Force Presentation 2016


July 19, 2013. Kahn’s keynote speech at the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education conference as reported by Massage Magazine, noted that “We get in each others’ way as a profession,” she said. For example, “There are people really concerned [about working in the health care system], they don’t want to take insurance and have someone 20 miles away … tell them how many sessions they can do [on a client], and so they’re going to say we shouldn’t go there.“I want to say, you shouldn’t go there if you don’t want to deal with those problems—[but] if you don’t want to do that, let’s figure out a way you don’t have to and I still can,” she added. Another barrier to moving through the doorways of opportunity, Kahn said, is the lack of a clear, articulate voice in Washington representing therapeutic massage “and helping policymakers and the public underhand how we can fit into the new health care system in a an expanded way.”

2016. CDC Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids says:
“Although there are perceptions that opioid therapy for chronic pain is less expensive than more time-intensive nonpharmacological management approaches, many pain treatments, including acetaminophen, NSAIDs, tricyclic antidepressants, and massage therapy, are associated with lower mean and median annual costs compared with opioid therapy. CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain “— United States, 2016

2017: AMTA Fact Sheet reports:

“Massage therapists and consumers favor the integration of massage into health care.

  • Nearly two-thirds of adult Americans (64 percent) would like to see their insurance cover massage therapy.4
  • The vast majority of massage therapists (97 percent) believe massage therapy should be considered part of the health care field.

Feb 2017. American College of Physicians recommends massage therapy for back pain.

“Recommendation 1: Given that most patients with acute or subacute low back pain improve over time regardless of treatment, clinicians and patients should select nonpharmacologic treatment with superficial heat (moderate-quality evidence), massage, acupuncture, or spinal manipulation (low-quality evidence).” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28192793

April 2017 -The Federation of State Medical Boards April 2017 adopted its policy on Chronic use of Opioids and recommended: ““The treatment plan may contain information supporting the selection of therapies, both pharmacologic (medications other than opioids to include anti-inflammatories, acetaminophen, and selected antidepressants and anticonvulsants) interventional, and non-pharmacologic therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, massage, exercise, multimodal pain treatment, and osteopathic manipulative treatment. The plan should document any further diagnostic evaluations, consultations or referrals, or additional therapies that have been considered to the extent they are available.”

Sept 2017. The National Association of insurance commissioners have asked for it to be used to battle the drugs. (See the letter PDF)

“When patients seek treatment for any of the myriad conditions that cause chronic pain, doctors should be encouraged to explore and prescribe effective non-opioid alternatives, ranging from non-opioid medications (such as NSAIDs) to physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic care.”

In Oct 2017, the first Integrative Pain Policy Conference was held in San Diego. The AMTA was invited and was supposedly there according to the report from the Academy of Integrative Pain Management, but to date, I have not heard any report from the AMTA.

2017 Joint Commission statement: from 2017 now on archive.org says: “When a patient’s preference for a safe nonpharmacologic therapy cannot be provided, hospitals should educate the patient on where the treatment may be accessed post-discharge. Nonpharmacologic strategies include, but are not limited to: physical modalities (for example, acupuncture therapy, chiropractic therapy, osteopathic manipulative treatment, massage therapy, and physical therapy), relaxation therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.”

October 2017: The inaugural Integrative Pain Care Policy Congress was an invitation-only meeting that brought together approximately 70 leaders from 50+ organizations. They represented the full scope of licensed and certified healthcare professionals involved in pain care, along with insurers, regulators, people with pain, researchers, and policy experts. AMTA was invited but has not reported on whether or not a representative attended and what happened.

January 2018, the Academy of Integrative Pain Management (AIPM) and the US Pain Foundation, wrote a letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (the Committee with jurisdiction over the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS), asking them to cover massage therapy.

March 15, 2018 The Congressional Integrative Health and Wellness Caucus ( held on March 15, 2018 calls for:

“The mission: “Amidst Opioid Crisis: New Caucus Will Focus on Integrative Health Solutions.”

Medicare Managed Care Manual Chapter 4 – Benefits and Beneficiary Protections. Revised for 2019 coverage Year also calls for more massage therapy as an alternative to Opioids. “Medically-Approved Non-Opioid Pain Management (PBP B13d, e, or f ): Medically-approved non-opioid pain treatment alternatives, including therapeutic massage furnished by a state licensed massage therapist. “Massage” should not be singled out as a particular aspect of other coverage (e.g., chiropractic care or occupational therapy) and must be ordered by a physician or medical professional in order to be considered primarily health-related and not primarily for the comfort or relaxation of the enrollee. The non-opioid pain management item or service must treat or ameliorate the impact of an injury or illness (e.g., pain, stiffness, loss of range of motion).” https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Manuals/Downloads/mc86c04.pdf

September 4, 2018: AMTA announces the organization reached out to Medicare advantage plans asking them for coverage of massage therapy.

October 24, 2018, the President signed into law: H.R. 6, the “Substance Use–Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act” or the “SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act,” which addresses the opioid crisis by reducing access to and the supply of opioids and by expanding access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services. Passage was overwhelmingly bipartisan (98-1 in the Senate and 396-14 in the House). (www.ihpc.org newsletter)

2018 – AMTA publishes Massage Therapy in Integrative Care & Pain Management which claims: “This study finds that massage therapy yields an economic benefit of between $23.59 and $25.99 billion annually, and saves about 111,137 people and their families from the crippling costs associated with addiction.

2018: AMTA Fact Sheet claims:

Massage for Health and Wellness:

“67 percent of individuals surveyed claim the primary reason for receiving their last massage in the previous 12 months was medical (41 percent) or stress (26 percent) related, according to the 22nd annual consumer survey sponsored by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA).”

November 28, 2018: CMS announces up to 270 Medicare Advantage Plans will include massage therapy in 2019.

2019: New Hampshire Bill proposal. HB 610-FN

“When patients seek treatment for any of the myriad conditions that cause pain, a health care practitioner shall refer or prescribe to a patient any of the following treatment alternatives, when applicable, before starting a patient on an opioid; chiropractic, physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, and/or osteopathic manipulation. “

“2 New Section; Coverage for Nonopioid Treatment for Pain; Individual. Amend RSA 415 by inserting after section 6-w the following new section:

“415:6-x Coverage for Nonopioid Treatment for Pain; Individual. Each insurer that issues or renews any individual policy, plan, or contract of accident or health insurance providing benefits for medical or hospital expenses shall provide to persons covered by such insurance who are residents of this state coverage for the costs of options to patients for evidenced-based non-opioid treatment for pain, including but not limited to*, chiropractic care, osteopathic manipulative treatment and acupuncture treatment. Policies issued pursuant to this section shall not have annual or lifetime numerical limits on visits for the treatment of pain. Reimbursement, coinsurance, copayment, and deductible amounts for pain management care utilizing chiropractic, acupuncture, and/or osteopathic manipulation shall be determined as a service under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009, as amended, definition of rehabilitation and habilitation.”

**”including but not limited to”–We need to make sure it says massage therapy!

2019: Virginia Bill Proposal: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title38.2/chapter34/section38.2-3419/

2019: Oklahoma Bill Proposal: http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=HB+2652&session=1900&fbclid=IwAR3un4CZr0oHNWwloMCwbReEwCd6P0E31dqYx-svYRiO454GdI4l2N6qMrU

“Any health plan, including the State and Education Employees Group Health Insurance plan, that is offered, issued or renewed in this state on or after January 1, 2020, shall provide coverage for complementary and alternative medicine.”

2019: Bill in Maine: http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_129th/billtexts/HP025501.asp

“This bill clarifies that massage therapists and massage practitioners are health care practitioners and that massage therapy is a health care practice. It prohibits unlicensed persons from claiming to provide procedures that are described as “massage,” “bodywork,” “body therapy,” “manual therapy,” “neuromuscular therapy,” “touch therapy” or “myotherapy” or related terms.”

2019: Bill in North Carolina. Bill Summary for S 544 (2019-2020)

Bill: ESTABLISH NON-OPIOID TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES. (https://lrs.sog.unc.edu/bill/establish-non-opioid-treatment-alternatives)

PART I. NON-OPIOID DIRECTIVE FORPROVIDERS OF PAIN MANAGEMENT 12CARE13SECTION 1.1.G.S.90-106 reads as rewritten: 14″§ 90-106. Prescriptions and labeling. (a3) Limitation on Prescriptions Upon Initial Consultation for Acute or Chronic Pain. –A Upon the initial consultation and treatment of a patient for acute or chronic pain, a practitioner, as a first line of treatment, shall provide the patient with a referral to, or a prescription for, any of the following alternatives to targeted controlled substances, when appropriate: (1) Acupuncture. (2) Chiropractic care. (3) Massage therapy. (4) Occupational therapy. (5)Osteopathic manipulative treatment. (6)Physical therapy.

AMTA 2019 Massage Profession Report (highlights):

“Approximately 47.5 million people had a total of 214 million massages in the U.S. in 2018, compared to 47.1 million people having a total of 179 million massages in 2017. “

“Massage therapists supported the integration into health care, with 95% believing massage should be integrated with health care. But how that integration looks varied greatly. The two most prevalent ways therapists preferred to see health care integration was by having massage prescribed or referred by health care providers, or by having massage therapists work on a team with other complementary practitioners.”

“The primary reason consumers obtained massage continued to be for medical, health and wellness purposes, or for stress reduction. Sixty-two percent of massage consumers had a massage in 2018 for health or medical reasons. Of these, 41% had their last massage for a health or medical reason. Sixty-six percent of massage consumers got a for relaxation/stress reduction in 2018, with 26% getting their last massage for this reason.”

“Consumers continued to believe in the efficacy of massage:

  • Eighty-eight percent of consumers agreed that “Massage can be effective in reducing pain.”
  • Eighty-eight percent of consumers agreed that “Massage can be beneficial to your health and wellness.”
  • Seventy percent of consumers agreed that “Massage therapy should be considered a form of health care.”
  • Sixty-seven percent of all consumers said they have or would recommend massage to a relative or to someone they knew in 2018.
  • Thirty percent of consumers expected to get a massage in the next 12 months.”

“The number of massage therapists receiving insurance reimbursement increased in 2018Twenty-five percent of massage therapists were reimbursed by insurance for massage, up three percent from last year. Insurance reimbursement includes multiple types of insurance, not only health insurance. For practicing massage therapists, 11% were reimbursed by health insurance (either private payer or public system), 8% by auto insurance, 5% were reimbursed through workers’ compensation, and 2% accepted other insurance reimbursement.”

  • “The 2018 AMTA Industry Survey provides information on insurance reimbursement for auto, medical, workers’ compensation and other insurance.
  • Insurance reimbursement makes up between 12% and 28% of the total revenue for the average therapist that accepts insurance. Those that accept private payer medical insurance having the highest percentage of total revenue from insurance, and those that bill workers’ compensation insurance have the lowest percent of total revenue from insurance, consistent with 2017 data.
  • Depending on the type of insurance, the average amount of reimbursement received varied widely”

“The average amount of reimbursement increased for auto and worker’s compensation insurance increased last year and declined for medical and “other” insurance. Insurance reimbursement is determined by each state and health care policy and not all states permit insurance reimbursement for massage provided by a massage therapist.”

March 2019: The Veterans Administration lists massage therapists as Health Technicians, allowing the VA to hire massage therapists. See the VA Handbook for complete details (Document number 005/108: Staffing – Appendix G56 Health Technician (Massage Therapy) Qualification Standard).

(It took over 15 years to make this happen. Now that it’s official the VA accepts massage therapy as a valid method of treatment, my guess is that having their insurance cover massage will be next. The VA has created a definition of massage therapy—something the massage profession has failed to do.)

May 2019: In 2016, the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 was passed and created The Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force. The purpose of the task force was to propose updates to best practices and issue recommendations that address gaps or inconsistencies for managing chronic and acute pain. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services oversaw this effort with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Defense.

The result is a new report on pain management best practices that includes calling for the use of massage therapy. The U.S. Pain Foundation has created a toolkit for taking action.

Janurary 2020 – AMTA supports the Patients and Communities Act (PDF).

We the undersigned organizations respectfully request that you convene hearings to be held on implementation of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, particularly the recommendations released in May by the HHS Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force (“Task Force”), authorized by the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) of 2016.

February 2020 –The Federal Report on Pain was released all most a year ago and not much has been done to implement it. AMTA has signed a letter calling for action along with other associations.

“Our organizations and provider groups recognize that the millions of Americans currently living with chronic pain, as a result of a myriad of diseases, conditions and serious injuries are a vulnerable population of individuals who are both under served and under treated. The Task Force report recommendations, if implemented, would represent enormous progress toward effectively managing the complex and costly consequences of pain, including its impact on the opioid crisis. Congress mandated the Task Force and called for its recommendations; we collectively urge that Congress now prioritize reviewing and implementing these forward-thinking, proactive recommendations.

‘Respectively submitted,
American Society for Pain Management Nursing
The Pain Community
American Massage Therapy Association

AMTA Massage Profession research report 2020 says:

“Health Care and the Massage Industry The health care industry continued to offer employment opportunities for massage therapists in a variety of settings, and these opportunities may increase in the future. The health care industry is projected to become the largest employment sector of the US economy by 2024, surpassing even government employment and growing at a faster pace than GDP. Massage therapists supported the integration of massage into health care, with 95% believing massage should be integrated with health care. But, how that integration looks varied greatly. The two most prevalent ways therapists preferred to see health care integration was by having massage therapists work on a team with other complementary practitioners, or by having massage prescribed or referred by health care providers. Seventy-one percent of Americans believed that massage should be considered a form of health care, up from 70% in 2018. Consumers are talking with their health care providers about massage, and those providers are recommending massage to their patients, especially chiropractors, physical therapists and physicians. The growing number of referrals from health care professionals as cited by both massage therapists and consumers indicated increased integration of massage therapy in health care environments. Twenty-two percent of massage therapists were reimbursed by insurance for massage, down three percent from last year. Insurance reimbursement includes multiple types of insurance, not only health insurance.”

June 2020 AMTA makes a call to action:

Urge your representatives to cosponsor the NOPAIN Act (H.R. 5172/S. 3067)

The Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation Act, the “NOPAIN Act” (H.R. 5172/S. 3067) will help increase patient access to massage therapy through using non-addictive, non-opioid approaches to pain management.

Join AMTA and add your voice for congressional support of the NOPAIN Act, and ask that the Act be included in any forthcoming relief package so Americans have access to nonpharmacological therapies sooner than later. Please write your representative and senators, urging them to help increase patient access to massage therapy.

We will continue to engage with federal, state and local officials advocating for resources that impact massage therapists during the COVID-19 crisis.

Thank you for your support of massage therapy

June 2020 : The Alliance to Advance Comprehensive Integrative Pain Management (previously called the Integrative Pain Care Policy Congress), is taking action around shared priorities in advancing quality pain management. In October 2017, 75 leaders from more than 50 organizations representing public and private insurers, people with pain, healthcare providers, purchasers of healthcare, government agencies, federal medicine, policy experts and patient/caregiver advocates convened to attend the Integrative Pain Care Policy Congress”. (AMTA was there!)

ACIPM recently held an online conference to discuss the issues. Here are some of the slides and some videos and a few more videos.>>>https://painmanagementalliance.org/symposium-materials/

2022 – As part of the Alliance to Advance Comprehensive Integrative Pain Management (AACIPM), AMTA weighed in on a letter to the CDC on the 2022 Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids.

AMTA submitted a comment letter encouraging the FDA to strengthen health care provider education for opioids to ensure that more patients have access to the full range of treatment options – including integrative therapies such as massage to address pain-related issues.

AMTA submitted a comment letter, along with the Alliance to Advance Comprehensive Integrative Pain Management (AACIPM) and other health care leaders to offer feedback to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the 2022 Payment Policies under the Physician Fee Schedule and other changes to Part B Payment Policies proposal.

AMTA Update on the NOPAIN Act

When we asked for your help, you responded by sending over 8,000 letters of support to your respective House and Senate members in Congress, garnering bipartisan support from 62 Representatives and 24 Senators.

The Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation (NOPAIN) Act, H.R.3259/S. 586, first introduced in the 116th Congress (2019-2020), was reintroduced this year by a bipartisan group of U.S. Representatives and Senators.

The NOPAIN Act will increase patient and provider access to non-opioid approaches to pain management- including massage therapy. As an early endorser, AMTA worked behind the scenes to ensure the bill contained massage therapy.

See also: AMTA’s Advocacy Work on Massage for Pain Management

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